Effect of cooking methods on the phytosterol content in nine selected vegetables

Jung-Ah Shin1   Jong-Min Park1   Ki-Teak Lee1,*   

1Department of Food Science and Technology, Chungnam National University


Phytosterol contents in nine vegetables such as paprika (red, yellow, and orange), kohlrabi, bamboo shoot, cherry tomato, cucumber, Chinese chive, and corn were analyzed by gas chromatography. Individual contents of β-sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol in fresh and cooked vegetables (boiling, grilling, stir-frying, deep-frying, steaming, roasting, and microwaving) were determined and compared. Total phytosterol content of paprika, cucumber, Chinese chive and cherry tomato ranged from 23.19 to 46.51 mg/kg (0.002-0.005%) of fresh weight of raw vegetables. Total phytosterol content variation (%) was obtained as follows: [(the content of phytosterol after cooking) - (the content of phytosterol before cooking)] / (the content of phytosterol before cooking) × 100. Total phytosterol content was found to be high in raw kohlrabi at 138.99 mg/kg fw (0.01%), in corn at 302.86 mg/kg fw (0.03%), and in bamboo shoot at 443.15 mg/kg fw (0.04 %). Total phytosterol content variation (%) in orange paprika ranged from 27.5 to 267.3 while that in cherry tomato ranged from –11.0 to 337.5. Generally, high content variation of total phytosterol was found in stir-fried and deep-fried vegetables. Therefore, higher phytosterol levels were obtained from cooked vegetables than raw vegetables. We suggest that these data will be useful to investigate cooking methods for increased intake of phytosterols.


본 논문은 충남대학교 학술연구비(2014년 하반기)에 의해 지원되었으며 이에 감사드립니다.

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